2009年11月25日 星期三


1 最想變成 open source 的 hacker ,為某些 project 貢獻程式碼。當然,基本功還在練習,所以還沒到那個火侯可以當 hacker ...
2  一直想帶親愛的另一半,去美國玩。常出國的人,是不會理解這種渴望的...,有小朋友的父母,更是難排出時間與金錢(費用不訾啊...)
3. 希望有朝一日,圍棋可以上段。 這個夢想本來是四十歲的生日願望,結果沒有達成。因為要扛一家之計,很多時間需要支配到別處,也就擺著了。


這是第一次 感覺到,我把錢拿來花在 "實現自己夢想" 上,好快樂!!!
這是第一次 體會到,老婆以前學鋼琴,說她很快樂,是甚麼滋味...


2009年11月18日 星期三

Emacs 捲動的設定

Emacs 內定的捲動方式為一次半頁,這樣看起來跳動很大,有些不習慣。修改 .emacs 加入下面設定,可以變成『自然捲』...
(setq scroll-margin 0 scroll-conservatively 10000 )

另外,想定義新的 macro 並且紀錄於 .emacs 以供下次使用,可以這樣作,
(以 scroll other window (up/down) one line 這個動作為例) :

C-x (      定義新的 macro
M 1 C-M-v   我們的新 command --- scroll other window down one line
C-x )     結束 macro 定義

M-x name-last-kbd-macro [Enter]
打入自取名稱 ,例如 scroll-other-window-down-one-line [Enter]

打開 ~/.emacs 準備加入這個新定義:
M-x insert-kbd-macro
打入剛剛取的名稱  scroll-other-window-down-one-line [Enter] 就會出現
(fset 'scroll-other-window-down-one-line
然後定義一個 hotkey 例如 F11 給它:
(define-key global-map [f11] 'scroll-other-window-down-one-line)

以後按 F11 就會 scroll down other window.

為了對稱,做了一個 scroll other window up one line ,最後在 .emacs 裡長成這樣:

(fset 'scroll-other-window-up-one-line
(define-key global-map [M-f11] 'scroll-other-window-up-one-line)
(fset 'scroll-other-window-down-one-line
(define-key global-map [f11] 'scroll-other-window-down-one-line)

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2009年11月13日 星期五

eclipse + CDT for C++ Development

這篇說明 eclipse 的設定,為了怕設定的部份翻譯不好,乾脆用英文寫...

Since `cscope + ecb + emacs' is my favorite development tool, there is no need for "eclipse", while not all people get used to `emacs' conveniently. Here we introduce another good IDE for C/C++ developemnt --- Eclipse !!

1. From [ http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ ] download `Eclipse IDE for Java EE...' or `Eclipse IDE for Java...' or `Eclipse IDE for C/C++...', I download the eclipse-jee-galileo-linux-gtk.tar.gz  , extract,  then add path (where you untar eclipse ) to ~/.bashrc such that when I type `eclipse' command so that it can be brought up (Yes, its green software).

2. Install the CDT plugin : (If you use `Eclipse IDE for C/C++' , please skip this step)
In eclipse menu, goto (Help | Install New Software ...) then type this html page:
(note : CDT need > eclipse 3.5 or up )
then update. The CDT component will then be installed.

3. Create C++ project :
In eclipse menu, goto "File | New | Project...|C++":
   a. Fill "Project Name".
   b. Select Makefile Project | Empty Project.  <--- yes, choose `Empty Project' for the external Makefile case !!
   c. Select Linux GCC at the right side.
   d. Press the "Finish" button.
then you have created an empty project in eclipse.

4. Import external sources/Makefile to project:
Right click on the project name, select "import...":
choose "General | File System" , click "Next" button, then "browse" to your source path, (of,course, you can filter out unnecessary files ) then press "Finish".

5. Goto "Project | properties| C/C++ Build", in the right "Build Location" field, press the "workspace" button, and given your project path , for e.g. ${workspace_loc:/test/home/tom/external_open_source}. (I was fooling around here for 6 hours --- before I learn to press the "workspace" button)

Then press "OK", the project will be built. But in our `external_open_source' project, we need use `make opt' as the building command ---goto "Project |Proties" , in "C/C++ Build",
a. select the "Behavior" tab,
b. uncheck "Build on resource save(Auot build)",
c. modify "Build (Incremental build)" to "opt",
d. then press "OK" to finish.

Now, you should build the `external_open_source'  sucessfully, instead of the 'No rule to make target `opt' error message !

ps. In Debian Lenny, make sure to use

$update-alternatives --config java

to configure your default java to `java-6(5)-sun' instead of `java-gcj' , the Eclipse will NOT start with `java-gcj' as the default java environment:

  Selection    Alternative
              1    /usr/bin/gij-4.3
              2    /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java
*+          3    /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java

Press enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number: 3
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