2012年2月7日 星期二

MathJax Test

This is a test of using MathJax in Blogger   Note that enclosing math in single $'s does not work in the default setting for MathJax.  However, you may use "\(\backslash(\)" and "\(\backslash)\)" for inline math and double dollar signs or "\(\backslash[\)" and "\(\backslash]\)" for displayed math.  Examples for inline is:  \( (y+\sqrt z)^{-1} \) and  \( \sin^2 x^2 \).  And, a displayed equation is: $$\frac 2 3$$
Another displayed equation is here:
\forall x \exists y (x\le y \land y\le x \leftrightarrow x=y) .
\vec \Phi ( \vec r) = -\frac{G M_1}{| \vec{r}-\vec r_1 |} \]

To setup the MathJax capability, I added the following line to the HTML code, after the <head> command (as a single line, no line break):

<script src='http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML' type='text/javascript'/>

You can find more information from the MathJax website about this at http://www.mathjax.org/docs/1.1/start.html.

