2009年10月16日 星期五

Tips for setup the android-x86 build system

Of course , you will find the [Android-x86 : Get Source] site useful..
On a newly install Debian Lenny machine, we may encounter the following situations:.

1. where is my "repo"?
Ans: the `repo' is not a Debian package, this [Android download] teach us how to download/setup the `repo' script.

2.  I want to built-in a module, how to do it ?
Ans: Take DM9601 network card as an example.
First copy my_defconfig under {android-x86}/kernel/arch/x86/configs/android-x86_defconfig, then
modify my_deconfig:

Finally following the [customized kernel] to build android-x86:
#>make iso_img TARGET_PRODUCT=eeepc TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG=my_defconfig

3. I want to use user account instead of root to build the source, how to do it without problem ?
Ans: During the build, there are 2 commands `e2fsck' `tune2fs' needs root privilege,
now let you user_account can also use them.
under the root:
#> link -s  /sbin/e2fsck  /usr/bin/e2fsck
#> link -s  /sbin/tune2fs  /usr/bin/tune2fs
#> visudo
let user `tom' to use these 2 commands
Cmnd_Alias FS=/sbin/tune2fs,\

4. During the build, compiler complain about the java , what happened?
Ans: This is probably caused by using the incorrect java compiler...
Please note that Android-1.6 can accept the java-6-sun as its compile environment, use
#>update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun
to select the compiler environment provided by sun java.

That's all.Technorati 標籤: ,

